Oh, the challenges of Social Media. Which platform is right for your business? Should I have a presence in all available Social Media platforms, just a few or just one?
The answer: don’t do it all. Do it right!
The real challenge is maximizing your Social Media so it benefits your bottom line. Like any advertising investment, if it’s not focused both in dollars and effort, it will lose effectiveness and limit the benefits to your business.
Here are a few benefits of effective Social Media Marketing:
-Social Media can reduce your overall advertising and marketing costs.
-Your Social Media pages can show in Organic Search.
-Social Media offers you the opportunity to engage with customers and prospective customers. --Social Media allows you to build your company brand.
-Social Media offers Viral Marketing opportunities to reach new prospective customers.
-With Social Media you can offer value incentives.
-Social Media allows you to position your business above your competitors in top of mind awareness.
Consumers want to interact with businesses. Smart use of Social Media allows you to engage in a two-way conversation with consumers, building trust and increasing interest. This kind of social influence is playing an increasing role in developing brand affinity and making purchase decisions.
So, what can you do?
-Determine your Social Media budget.
-Start with one Social Media platform that fits your goals.
-Maximize your selected platform utilizing the tools offered as well as the messages you are posting. Build trust, create engagement and increase your bottom line.
Remember, you don’t have to do it all, just do it right!